Episode 47: Gary Boston
This month I talk with Gary Boston, another avid Aids Lifecycle supporter and budding knit designer. Here about his Aids Lifecycle and design journey. Gary’s Designs on Ravelry Gary’s Ravelry Group, KAL’s and CAL’s are run here Gary’s Instagram: @gary_knits_gary_rides @Destash4Good My AIDS/Lifecycle Page End AIDS KAL/CAL FAQ AIDS/Lifecyle Homepage Thank you, Gary, for teaching…
Episode 45: Eli Saetnan
I talked with Eli Saetnan, a knitter and designer that devotes her knitting to charity. Email Ko-fi Patterns on Ravelry My Aids LifeCycle fundraising page Aids LifeCycle: to learn more about the ride I also have a blog, where I’ve written about why I do the ride among other things