Talking with Nicky Jensen, tech editor and designer in both knit and crochet. Nicky lives and works in Ontario, Canada.
Nicky’s Website
Removing Barriers in Written Craft Patterns, accessibility article
Blue Jay Sweater
Cinnamon Hearts Sweater
Knit Picks Independent Designer Program
Tech Editor Hub Group on Facebook, designers can connect with tech editors, and tech editors can share information and ask questions
Briana Luppino, designer who uses lots of interesting shaping
We discussed charting software on computer and iOS apps. I will be covering this in more detail in Episode 25 and will include links to what I found in the show notes for that episode.
Special note: If you are a designer, indie dyer, or work in any field related to knit or crochet, and would like to be featured on the podcast, please email me at KnitDesignEdit. If you have questions or ideas for the podcast, please reach out or leave a comment. Thank you